Your search for "Behaviors and Mental Health" found 27 matches:
Virtual Physical Activity Program for Older Family Care Partners of Patients with Heart Failure

CU Anschutz non-hospital research facilities

Our study consists of two groups: physical activity group and control group. The physical activity group will receive exercise sessions via Zoom and motivational text messages over 12 weeks. You will receive a total of three contacts/week (physical activity sessions and motivational text m...

Learn to Manage Your Stress and Connect with Others as a Healthcare Worker

This group training is led by mental health workers and offers time to connect with other healthcare workers. You will use guided tools to practice managing stress, increase self-value, and gain social connection. This training helps you increase your view of stress and how to support othe...

Let’s MOVE: Goal-setting exercise program in the Black community

Everyone will get a personal exercise plan that lasts a month and matches their health needs. We will see how well people stick to the exercise plans and how they feel about their plans based on whether they exercise at moderate or vigorous intensities and set basic or challenging goals....

CPARC: Colorado Pulmonary Alcohol Research Consortium

CTRC Inpatient, University of Colorado Hospital

This study evaluates the effect of heavy alcohol use on lung health....

A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study of Cannabidiol in Young Adult Cannabis Users

Outpatient CTRC

Your study participation will include 4 visits over about 12 weeks, with an on-campus screening visit and three home-based visits in our mobile pharmacology lab, a specially equipped van. ...

The Effectiveness of Parent Management Training to Treat Irritability in Children

Childrens Hospital Colorado

If you decide to join this study, you will take part in 12 sessions of Parent Management Training with a licensed mental health professional. You will learn ways to help your child with their anger outbursts and irritable moods. Our study team will meet with your child before, during and a...

Schacht Research Study 19-1658

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic, Outpatient CTRC, Outpatient CTRC, University of Colorado Hospital

Few medications are currently Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and those that are have, on average, modest effects on drinking. Precision medicine research has explored whether patient-level variables, such as genetic variation, may...

Schacht Research Study 19-2335

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Department Specific Free Standing Clinic, Outpatient CTRC, Outpatient CTRC, University of Colorado Hospital

This study evaluates the effects of an FDA-approved medication called tolcapone in people who have both Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The study involves seven visits over a three to four week period, including an assessment visit and tw...


Brain Imaging Center (BIC), University of Colorado Hospital

In a randomized cross-over design of DBS of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) for treatment refractory methamphetamine use disorder (MUD, n=5), we will test safety, feasibility, effect on clinical outcomes (craving and use), and seek to identify biological targets (using cue craving during recor...

Contraceptive Hormone and Reward Measurement (CHARM) Study

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Outpatient CTRC, Outpatient CTRC

The study is looking at the effects of birth control pills on brain processes and emotional wellbeing. We want to see how birth control affects your motivation, excitement for rewards, and happiness after getting a reward. During the study, you will take a birth control pill or a sugar pil...

Group Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Anxiety in Adolescents with Autism and Intellectual Disability: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

What is the study about? This study investigates an adapted Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) group treatment to determine if it is more effective than therapy services that adolescents with Autism (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID) are already receiving. What does the study entail? ...

Teen Brain Imaging Study on Irritability and Social Information Processing

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Brain Imaging Center (BIC) - Scan Read

Interested in how irritability affects how teens interpret social situations? Our goal is to learn more about how teens think and feel about unclear social situations and how irritable mood may relate to negative thoughts and feelings about these social situations....

Feasibility of VR Programs for Anxiety Related Disorders in an Outpatient Care Setting

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

For this project, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with up to 10 providers specializing in mental health care for adolescents and up to 20 adolescents, ages 14-18, with mild to moderate social anxiety symptoms. Adolescent interviews will focus on using the VR program and provi...

Substance, Trauma, And Recovery - STAR Study

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to RRFT or Encompass. Participation in this study includes approximately 18 treatment sessions and 4 research visits over the course of one year. ...

Child Bipolar Disorder Network (CBN) Study: Treating Youth with or at Risk for Bipolar

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic, Johnson Depression Center, Outpatient CTRC

Do you or your child have signs of bipolar disorder? We are looking for children, teens, and young adults whose moods change between feeling very sad or having too much energy. If you or your child joins this study, you or your child will get a full check-up and advice on treatment from a ...

Effects of THC on Alcohol Consumption and Brain Function

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Outpatient CTRC

Alcohol and cannabis are often used together such that their effects overlap. Cannabis edibles (which may contain large doses of THC) have not been well-studied in the laboratory, and it is unclear how such products may impact alcohol consumption patterns. This study will test the effects ...

Bipolar Prediction

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This study will use the mental health history and MRI brain imaging of young adults with Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar disorder to develop a model that can predict Bipolar disorder in youth. ...

Effects of psilocybin with psychological support on anhedonia in treatment-resistant depression

Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Outpatient CTRC

Treatment-resistant depression is a type of depression that doesn’t get better after trying at least two different treatments. A common symptom of major depression is anhedonia, which means not feeling excitement, motivation, or joy. This study looks at how psilocybin with therapy affects ...

Randomized, controlled trial of Rybelsus (semaglutide) among adults with AUD

Outpatient CTRC, University of Colorado Hospital

You will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. You will have a 50% (1 in 2) chance of receiving semaglutide and a 50% chance of receiving placebo. This is a double-blind study, which means neither you nor the study investigator will make the choice to which group you are assigned, an...

Cannabidiol and Cannabis Concentrate Users: A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study

Outpatient CTRC, University of Colorado Hospital

Study participation will include 4 visits over about 5 weeks, with an on-campus screening visit and three home-based visits in our mobile pharmacology lab, a specially equipped van. Participation will involve taking cannabidiol (CBD) or a placebo....

A Study Evaluating the Safety and Effectiveness of RE104, a Psilocybin-like substance, in the Treatment of Patients with Postpartum Depression

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic, Outpatient CTRC, University of Colorado Hospital

After having a baby, some women feel sad, worried, or tired. This is known as the "baby blues" and for many women this usually goes away in a few days. However, if these feelings last for more than two weeks, this may be a sign of postpartum depression (PPD). PPD is a serious condition tha...

Determining the Proximal and Temporal Effects of Alcohol and Sexual Communication on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Couples: Understanding the Influence of Alcohol and Media on Relationships

CTRC Inpatient, Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study should take about 10 hours of your time. You will be asked to visit the laboratory one time and there are two follow-up phone calls at the end of the study. During the course of the research study, you will do alcohol breathalyzer tests, answer questions and complet...

Determining the Proximal and Temporal Effects of Alcohol and Sexual Communication on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Couples: Alcohol and Sexual Communication Among Couples in the Real-World

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study should take about 8 hours of your time. You will be asked to attend a virtual orientation session and complete 15-minute weekly surveys for 26 weeks. ...

Determining the Proximal and Temporal Effects of Alcohol and Sexual Communication on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Couples: Formative Cognitive Interviews to Inform Event-Level Measurement of Sexual Communication and IPSV

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study should take about 1 hour of your time. You will be asked to attend a virtual interview and provide feedback on survey items about sexual activities in relationships. ...

Biphasic Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Bystander Intervention for Sexual Violence

CTRC Inpatient, Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study could take up to 8 hours of your time. You will be asked to visit the laboratory one time to complete the study. During the course of the study, you will do alcohol breathalyzer tests, answer questions and complete questionnaires, and may drink alcohol with orange j...

Development of an Alcohol, Cannabis, and Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program for High Risk College Women: Normative Documentation

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study should take about 45 minutes of your time. You will be asked to complete an online survey about college women's attitudes and experiences....

Development of an Alcohol, Cannabis, and Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program for High Risk College Women, Pilot RCT

Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

This research study will take place over 6 months. You will be asked to attend two in-person workshops, complete assessments for 4 weeks, and take three follow-up surveys. ...