Find a study that is right for you on our Find a Research Study page by using using the keyword search box or the different filtering options.
Fill out the online form for the specific study that interests you, and someone from the research team will reach out to you.
You may be asked to complete a prescreening questionnaire or preliminary study visit to make sure that you are eligible for the study. The study team will explain all of this to you. You will not be asked to complete any study tests or procedures before you consent to being in the study.
If you are eligible and want to volunteer for the study, a member from the research team will go through the consent process with you. To give consent, you will be asked to read and sign a consent document. This document will explain the study, all procedures involved, the risks and benefits, important information, and provide the research team's contact information.
Now it's time to participate in the clinical research study! The research team will keep you informed of what you need to do and when. You should always feel comfortable reaching out to anyone from the research team with any questions. They are there to help with scheduling visits and answering any questions.
Taking part in a research study is voluntary. As a research participant, you can stop your participation in the study at any time. This means that you do not need to complete the study, even after enrolling. If you decide to withdraw, you will not lose any benefits or rights to which you are entitled.