Your search for "Ear, Nose, and Throat" found 4 matches:
Using Oscillometry in Toddler Aerodigestive Patients to Monitor Lung Function Response to Treatment
Childrens Hospital Colorado In this study, we will 1. Assess different mouthpiece options to help make the test easier to do in young children 2. Obtain AOS measurements in children who are patients in the aerodigestive clinic at Children's Hospital Colorado 3. Compare these measurements to those obtained in chil... |
Genetic and epigenomic determinants of hearing loss in Hispanic populations
Boulder Health Center, Childrens Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado Hospital This study aims to identify genes and variants that are related to sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in children, including Hispanic children from multiple recruitment sites and non-Hispanic children from Colorado who are diagnosed with severe-to-profound congenital SNHL. We will collect D... |