Your search for "Ear, Nose, and Throat" found 2 matches:
SPOT Study: The Impact of Auditory Access on the Development of Speech Perception

Childrens Hospital Colorado, CU Anschutz non-hospital research facilities

The goal of our research is to improve services for children who are at risk for language learning (i.e., hearing loss, reading difficulties). We do this by measuring how infants tell the difference between speech sounds. A child’s ability to differentiate between speech sounds predicts th...

Genetic and epigenomic determinants of hearing loss in Hispanic populations

Boulder Health Center, Childrens Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado Hospital

This study aims to identify genes and variants that are related to sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in children, including Hispanic children from multiple recruitment sites and non-Hispanic children from Colorado who are diagnosed with severe-to-profound congenital SNHL. We will collect D...