
Endocannabinoids in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Changes with Cannabidiol (CBD) Treatment

This study wants to look at how endocannabinoids are different in children with and without autism. We are only looking for children who do not have autism to join our study.

Why this Research Matters

This study plans to learn more about natural substances that your child's body makes called endocannabinoids. These are chemicals that help control things in the body like feelings, actions, swelling, and pain. We are studying whether endocannabinoids are different in children with and without autism. If you and your child join this study, you will come to the hospital for a single 90-minute research visit. At the visit we will take your child's height and weight. We will also use a needle to take a small amount of blood from their arm in the outpatient lab. You, as the parent or legal guardian, will fill out 4 surveys about your child's health and their behavior throughout their life.

Who can Participate

Child and Teen

You and your child may be eligible to join this study if your child is between 4 and 17 years old and has no diagnosis or suspicion of autism or mental health concerns. Also, neither you nor your child can have a direct family member with autism. Your child must not have used any cannabinoid, such as CBD or THC, in the past six months. Lastly, your child cannot have certain health issues that cause seizures or long-lasting swelling.

Study ID

Protocol Number: 24-0305

Meet the Team

Image of Principal Investigator

Nicole Tartaglia, MD

Principal Investigator