The study is looking for 200 adults diagnosed with T2D within the last 12 months. CU will enroll 100 of those participants. Participants will be assigned to one of two groups. The first group will receive individualized routine care. The second group will receive individualized routine care paired with the glucose excursion minimization guide and program. All participants will receive standard glycemic treatment management from their primary care doctor.
You may be eligible for the study if you are between the ages of 30-80, have type 2 diabetes for 24 months or less, and have a hemoglobin A1c between 6.5-11%. You may not be not eligible for the study if you meet any of the following criteria: 1) Medications that impede weight loss (e.g. prednisone) within the last 3 months, 2) Conditions that preclude increasing physical activity (e.g. severe neuropathy cardiovascular disease, COPD/emphysema, severe osteoarthritis, stroke, or severe mental disease like manic depressive illness, severe depression, active substance abuse), 3) Conditions that prevent doing the self-directed GEM program, such as inability to read English as GEM is only available in English, mental health conditions that prevent engagement in treatment, such as active substance abuse, severe depression, 4) Currently undergoing treatment for cancer, or 5) Currently pregnant or anticipating pregnancy in the next 14 months.
Principal Investigator