
Genetic Engagement, Education, and Screening (CU-GENES) Study

The purpose of our research study is to assess satisfaction with genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk in a high-risk population in Colorado and New Mexico.

Why this Research Matters

This study plans to implement a community-based genetic testing program for hereditary cancer risk in a higher risk population. The study team will partner with the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance (COCA) and the Jewish Community Center (JCC) to provide educational events to the Jewish community.

What to Expect

If you decide to undergo genetic testing and enroll in this research study, you will be asked to provide your testing results and to complete two online surveys.

Study Duration

Your participation will be about 9-12 weeks.

Who can Participate

Age 25 years or older

Eligible participants must have at least one grandparent of Jewish ancestry OR be of Spanish ancestry with roots in the San Luis Valley, no prior genetic testing, no personal history of bone marrow transplant or blood cancer, currently live in Colorado OR New Mexico, and not currently pregnant.

Study ID

Protocol Number: 23-0584
More information available at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00000000

Compensation Information

Reimbursement of upfront cost of CancerGEN test

Meet the Team

Image of Principal Investigator

Christine Walsh, MD, MS

Principal Investigator

More Information