The overall objective of this study is to ultimately develop an improved standard of cancer care by facilitating new clinical trials, new technology, new informatics solutions and "personalized medicine".
This study plans to learn more about how to improve standard cancer care. Cancer is a tough disease to treat because few cancers behave in the same way. Recent research suggests that information stored in your blood, tissues and body fluids can be studied to change the way we treat cancer in the future. The information in your blood, tissues and body fluids may come from small molecules, such as DNA or proteins, which may be changed by cancer. We believe that the unique changes in these molecules may explain why patients who have the same type of cancer and receive the same treatment do not always have the same results. By combining genetic information with clinical data, such as the responses of different kinds of cancers to different treatments, this study could lead to more knowledge about why certain cancers respond differently to treatments. With this knowledge, treatments could be matched to the genetics of each patient and the genetic changes in their tumor. This approach is known as personalized medicine.
Inclusion Criteria: 1. 18 years of age and older 2. Diagnosed with cancer, or may be at risk for cancer 3. Able to understand and sign the TCCP Informed Consent and Research Authorization Form. Spanish-speaking subjects will be consented using the approved Spanish Informed Consent Form. All other non-English speaking subjects will be invited to participate in the TCCP study, in accordance with COMIRB's short-form consent use. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Members of vulnerable populations including neonates (birth to 30 days), children (under age 18), wards of the State, prisoners or those on probation or alternate sentencing, or decisionally challenged (adults or children that are cognitively impaired, incompetent to consent, proxy consent, or consenting in life threatening situations).
Principal Investigator