
Inhaled Cannabis, Oxidative Stress and the Pulmonary Innate Immune Response

We are looking for people aged 25 to 55 who smoke and/or vape cannabis, and people aged 25 to 55 who do not smoke cannabis, to see how cannabis use affects lung health over time.

Why this Research Matters

This study compares the lung health of people who do not smoke cannabis to the lung health of people who have smoked cannabis for a long time.

What to Expect

If you join this study, you will have one visit that lasts about 4-5 hours at UC Health. During the visit, the study doctor will perform a bronchoscopy, which is a procedure that allows us to look at your lungs using a small scope. This procedure is low risk and safe. During the procedure, we will give you medicines to help you relax. You will still be awake and be able to hear and communicate using your hands. This is called conscious sedation. You will also get a chest x-ray, lung function test (spirometry), blood draw, nasal brushings, and give urine and stool samples, and you will fill out online surveys.

Study Duration

One 4-5 hour visit on a weekday morning

Who can Participate

25 to 55

If you do smoke and/or vape cannabis, you may join this study if you:
1) Smoke cannabis every day or almost every day
2) Never or very rarely use tobacco products
3) Have no long-term lung, heart, liver, or kidney problems

If you do not use any cannabis products, you may join this study if you:
1) Have never smoked cannabis or used cannabis products
2) Have no long-term lung, heart, liver, or kidney problems

This is a shortened list. There are other criteria the study team will talk to you about during the screening process. 

Study ID

Protocol Number: 14-1957

Compensation Information

You can earn up to $350 for your time.

Meet the Team

Image of Principal Investigator

Ellen Burnham, MD

Principal Investigator