Nicotinamide riboside supplementation for treating arterial stiffness and elevated systolic blood pressure in patients with moderate to severe CKD

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This is a 3 month study to determine if nicotinamide riboside (a B vitamin) will improve vascular function. During this study labs, vascular function, ambulatory BP, and office BP will be measured before taking the study drug (nicotinamide riboside/placebo) and again 3 months after daily doses of the study drug. During the 3 month study period there are every 2 week visits to evaluate blood pressure. Optional testing includes cerebral artery testing and cognitive testing before after daily doses of nicotinamide riboside.




Age 35-80 Chronic kidney disease stage III or IV Blood pressure controlled to < 140/90 in the past 3 months Body mass index < 40 kg/m2 Weight stable in prior 3 months

Type of Study



Renal Research Center
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Michel Chonchol,  MD

Michel Chonchol, MD

Study ID

Protocol Number: 19-0149

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