ULTRA-T2D Study: Uric acid lowering trial in youth onset T2D

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No Longer Enrolling


This is a pilot study evaluating the effect of uric acid lowering by a single dose of pegloticase (a uricase) on markers of cardiovascular and renal health in ten young men ages 18-25 years with youth-onset type 2 diabetes (diagnosed at less than 21 years of age) over 7 days. Previous research has shown that young adults with youth-onset type 2 diabetes have a high prevalence of elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, and this elevated uric acid strongly predicts development of high blood pressure and diabetic kidney disease over 7 years. By reducing uric acid levels in the blood, we aim to evaluate changes in markers of early cardiovascular and kidney disease over 1 week in participants.




This study is recruiting young adult males ages 18-25 with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes (diagnosed prior to age 21).

Exclusion criteria for this study include: clinical diagnosis of gout, taking any uric acid lowering medications (ie: allopurinol, febuxostat), G6PD deficiency, allergies to seafood or iodine, MRI contrandications (claustrophobia, implanted metal devices), A1c greater than or equal to 12%, recent diagnosis of DKA or hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, or history of significant multiple/severe allergies or allergic reactions.

Type of Study

Outcomes Research


Childrens Hospital Colorado

Study ID

Protocol Number: 18-1700

More information available at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03899883

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