A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial assessing the effects of inclisiran on clinical outcomes among people with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

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No Longer Enrolling


About 15,000 people will take part in this study. Half will get inclisiran injections and half will get dummy placebo) injections. A placebo is a substance that looks like a drug, but has no drug in it. This form will refer to both inclisiran and placebo as “study drug.” Which study drug you get is decided by chance and you will not know which study drug you are given. Joining the study involves 3 clinic visits in the first 5 months and then a visit every 6- months. At each visit a trained researcher will ask some questions about your health, take a blood sample, and give you an injection into your abdomen (tummy). It is expected that about 1 in 20 people administered inclisiran may notice some redness or soreness where the injection is given, but no other side effects have been found. However, at this stage, scientists cannot rule out the possibility of other side effects. You are asked to stay in the study for about 5 years.




Age 55 years or older History or evidence of at least one of the following:  Myocardial infarction  Ischemic stroke  Peripheral arterial disease

Type of Study



Memorial Hospital Central

Study ID

Protocol Number: 18-6511

More information available at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03705234

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