Effects of pubertal blockade and hormone therapy on cardiometabolic risk markers in transgender adolescents
Primary Objective
To evaluate markers to cardiometabolic health in transgender adolescents before and after starting testosterone.
There will be 6 study visits over about a year. They will take place over 2 days before starting testosterone and then 1 month and 12 months after starting testosterone. The first study visit will involve a blood draw, an oral glucose tolerance test (sugar drink) and answering questionnaires. The second day will involve an ultrasound of the arteries in the arm, abdominal MRI, exercise bike test and a body scan to evaluate fat and bone density. Participants will wear a sleep and activity monitor for a week after the second visit day.
Childrens Hospital Colorado
Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital
Principal Investigator
Natalie Nokoff
Study ID
Protocol Number: 17-2328
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