SUNRISE: Impact of Sleep Extension on Insulin Sensitivity and Dietary Intake in Adolescents

Primary Objective

I. Hypotheses and Specific Aims: Aim 1: Examine the effect of experimental sleep extension on insulin sensitivity and secretion in typically short-sleeping adolescents. Hypothesis 1: Insulin sensitivity will improve following sleep extension compared to typical short sleep. Aim 2: Examine the effect of experimental sleep extension on dietary intake in typically short-sleeping adolescents. Hypothesis 2: Overall caloric intake, fat, carbohydrate, and sugar intake will decrease following sleep extension.

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Child to Adult

Childrens Hospital Colorado
Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Stacey Simon

Stacey Simon

Study ID

Protocol Number: 17-2095

More information available at NCT03500458

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