CoPARC: Colorado Pulmonary Alcohol Research Collaborative
Primary Objective
We are looking for people aged 25 to 55 who drink alcohol heavily, and people aged 25 to 55 who never or rarely drink alcohol, to see how alcohol use affects lung health over time.

This study evaluates the effect of heavy alcohol use on lung health.
Main Procedures Involved: If you join this study, you will have a research visit at UC Health. During the visit, the study doctor will perform a bronchoscopy. This is a low-risk procedure that allows us to look at your lungs using a small scope. You will also get a chest x-ray to check your lung health and a lung function test (spirometry) to see how well you breathe. We will place an IV in your arm and take a small amount of blood. You will also have your nose swabbed and give us urine and stool samples. The study doctor will perform a physical exam and measure your vitals. You will fill out online surveys about your health and substance use history.
Duration of Participation: You will complete one study visit at UCHealth on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. This visit will last about 5 hours on a weekday morning. You may stay the night if you do not have a safe way to get home. Some people will be asked to complete a second study visit about 1 month after their first appointment. This second visit will be the same length and will involve the same procedures as the first visit.
1. Have a history of heavy alcohol use/alcohol dependence
2. Have had your most recent drink in the last 30 days
3. Do not use recreational drugs (other than tobacco and/or cannabis)
4. Have no long-term lung, heart, liver, or kidney problems
If you don't drink alcohol heavily, you may join this study if you:
1. Never or rarely drink alcohol
2. Do not use recreational drugs (other than tobacco and/or cannabis)
3. Have no long-term lung, heart, liver, or kidney problems
This is a shortened list. There are other criteria the study team will talk to you about during the screening process.
CTRC Inpatient
University of Colorado Hospital
Principal Investigator

Ellen Burnham
Study ID
Protocol Number: 12-0181
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