Cardiometabolic consequences of the loss of ovarian function (LILAC Study)

Primary Objective

The purpose of this study is to learn more about the decrease in estrogen at menopause and how this may change artery health, fat gain, and risk of heart disease in women as they age.

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We are inviting premenopausal women (women with regular menstrual periods) to participate in a study looking at the effects of estrogen and menopause on body composition and vascular function.

Main Procedures Involved: Measurements of body composition and bone density, measurements of blood pressure and blood vessel function, sleep monitoring, and blood samples for measuring cholesterol and sex hormones.

Duration of Participation: You will be asked to complete six visits ranging from 1-5 hours in duration at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

20 to 45 years
Non-smoking; Not taking medications to treat high blood pressure or cholesterol; No current use of hormonal contraceptives
up to $800

Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Kerrie Moreau

Kerrie Moreau

Study ID

Protocol Number: 23-1518

More information available at NCT06264882

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