Efficacy and mechanisms of dapagliflozin in promoting kidney function and cardiovascular health in kidney transplant recipients

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Main procedures done in the study: - Physical exam and medical history - Blood draw - Blood pressure - Blood vessel function testing - Urine collection - Kidney function measures - Kidney and cardiac MRI You will take study drug daily for 12 months You will have approximately 7 study visits where the above procedures will be conducted over 12 months. Testing will take place at the Kidney Disease Research Center on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Participants will receive information regarding their overall health status; including testing for blood pressure, kidney function levels, diabetes control. Compensation provided.




- History of kidney transplant - History of diabetes type 2 or posttransplant diabetes mellitus

We need men and women who are: - Age 18 years and older - History of kidney transplant - History of diabetes type 2 or posttransplant diabetes mellitus - Women must not be pregnant or breastfeeding - Urine albumin to creatinine ratio of 30-5000 mg/g Exclusionary criteria: - Current use of dapagliflozin or another SGLT2 inhibitor - Type 1 diabetes

Type of Study



Renal Research Center
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Jessica Kendrick,  MD

Jessica Kendrick, MD

Study ID

Protocol Number: 23-1360

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