A phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, efficacy and safety study of daxdilimab subcutaneous injection in adult participants with adequately controlled dermatomyositis or anti-synthetase inflammatory myositis

Primary Objective

To study the safety and efficacy of daxdilimab subcutaneous injection in adult participants with inadequately controlled dermatomyositis or anti-synthetase inflammatory

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This study is a phase 2, randomized controlled proof of concept study to assess the efficacy and safety of daxdilimab in participants 18 to 75 years old with DM or ASIM. The estimated total study duration is 60 weeks with visits to clinic every 4 weeks. Participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio.

Participants should have a definite or probable myositis according to ACR/EULAR 2017 criteria. Participants should be on stable standard of care therapy if tolerated, if not tolerated they should be washed out. If female and of child bearing age, they should not be breastfeeding, pregnant and on a protocol approved form of contraception. Participants should weigh less than 352 pounds at screening visit. Participants with diagnosis of immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM), includion body myositis, or drug induced myositis are excluded. Participants with current inflammatory skin diseases other than DM or ASIM that could interfere with study assessment will be excluded. Additional inclusion and exclusions apply.

Barbara Davis Center
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Elena Weinstein

Elena Weinstein

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