Impact of SARS CoV2 on Post-Hospital Recovery of Carbohydrate and Muscle Metabolism: Role of Endothelial Injury

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Up to 6 in person visits with study staff and 3 virtual visits over 14 weeks. A variety of tests will occur including physical exams, blood draws, MRI scans, and tests called Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), Sublingual Intravital Microscopy, Maximal Voluntary Contraction determination, Calf Ergometer test, and other functional tests. Participants will be asked to wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) and ActivePAL Monitoring device and complete various questionnaires.

Aged 18-75, hospitalized with COVID-19 and hypoxia warranting dexamethasone protocol, ambulatory and discharged to home,

Brain Imaging Center (BIC) - Scan Read
CTRC Inpatient
Denver Health and Hospital Authority
Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Jane Reusch

Jane Reusch

Study ID

Protocol Number: 21-3711

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