Effect of Hormones on Frequency of Headache and Brain Structure and Function in Puberty
Primary Objective
We are doing this study to learn more about the effects of hormones on headache, brain structure and function. We are enrolling some people starting a medication called estradiol as well as some people not starting any hormone medication.
This research studies how hormones impact headache and how different parts of the brain talk to each other.
You are invited to participate if you are (or your child is):
• 9 years to 20 years of age
• With or without history of headache
• Male sex, male gender identity
• Healthy (no known neurological or other disorders)
• Able to lie still for at least 30-50 minutes at a time
• Okay with being in small spaces
Main Procedures Involved: This study may involve 2 MRI scans, which is a safe method of looking at the structure and function of the brain. There are also 2 visits with a blood draw, questionnaires, headache interview, and physical exam. Participants will keep a daily headache diary for 1 year.
Duration of Participation: Participation in this study lasts approximately one year.
Brain Imaging Center (BIC)
Childrens Hospital Colorado
Principal Investigator
Jennifer Hranilovich
Study ID
Protocol Number: 20-1824
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