Pubertal Blockade and Estradiol Effects on Cardiometabolic Health for Transitioning Youth (PUBERTY)

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This study will involve 6 research visits at 3 timepoints for transgender individuals (before starting estrogen and 6 and 12 months after starting estrogen). No medications are given as a part of this study. Cisgender (non-transgender) participants will have 4 visits at two timepoints (baseline and 12 months later). Research visits will include a physical exam, questionnaires, a blood draw, drinking a sugary drink, ultrasounds of the head, neck and arm, riding an exercise bike and a body scan.




Adolescents ages 13-16 years old (transgender females and cisgender males and females)

Transgender participants should have 13-16 years old and be planning on clinically starting estrogen (estradiol) within the next 4 months. If they have been on a puberty blocker, should have been on at least 6 months.

Type of Study



Childrens Hospital Colorado
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Natalie Nokoff,  MD

Natalie Nokoff, MD

Study ID

Protocol Number: 19-1226

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