Time Restricted Feeding in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Primary Objective
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the effects of how many hours a day we eat in adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) who are overweight or obese and how feasible it is to restrict eating to 8 hours a day.
We want to study how feasible it is to restrict eating to 8 hours a day. Both groups will participate in a group-based, behavioral dietary intervention for 1 year (initially weekly, then monthly meetings). We will also look at changes in markers in the blood and both the size of the kidneys and amount of fat tissue in the abdomen by MRI. The results of this study will help design a larger study where we can test if restricting hours of eating can slow progression of ADPKD.
Anschutz Health and Wellness
Brain Imaging Center (BIC)
Renal Research Center
University of Colorado Hospital
Principal Investigator
Kristen Nowak
Study ID
Protocol Number: 20-1262
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