Effects of puberty and pubertal suppression on insulin sensitivity, metabolic rate and vascular health

Primary Objective

To understand the effects of puberty blockers and puberty on insulin sensitivity, metabolism and vascular health

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This study will involve 4-5 in person visits. There will be screening visit for some patients and then a baseline visit over two days. The first day will involve an IV and drinking a sugary drink with blood draws as well as measuring the resting metabolic rate and answering questionnaires. The second day will involve ultrasounds of the blood vessels, riding an exercise bike and having a body scan. These procedures will be repeated 6 months later.

Child and Teen
Youth ages 9-14 years in early puberty who are assigned male at birth 1) Age 9-14 years at the time of enrollment 2) Tanner Stage 2-3 baseline pubertal development 3) For transgender individuals - plan to clinically start a puberty blocker in the next 2 months

Childrens Hospital Colorado
Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Natalie Nokoff

Natalie Nokoff

Study ID

Protocol Number: 19-2109

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