The Neural Underpinnings of Disinhibited Eating Behavior in Adolescents with and without Obesity

Primary Objective

This study plans to learn more about the brain and how the brain contributes to food intake in adolescents

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Adolescents age 13-18 with no previous diagnosis of diabetes

BMI > 95th percentile OR BMI < 85th percentile for age group No diagnosis of metabolic syndrome or diabetes (Type 1 or 2) No diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa No diagnosis of Chron's or Celiac disease Not currently taking an anti-psychotic, systemic steroid, insulin sensitizing, insulin replacement therapy, or diet or weight loss medication. No diagnosis of autism or Down's syndrome, or any severe developmental disorder (not including ADHD, dyslexia, or having an individual development plan in school) No diagnosis of genetically-linked obesity or gliomas in the hypothalamus or pituitary No MRI contraindications Not currently pregnant or have plans to become pregnant

Type of Study





Brain Imaging Center - BIC
Outpatient CTRC
University of Colorado Hospital

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Allison Shapiro,  PhD, MPH

Allison Shapiro, PhD, MPH

Study ID

Protocol Number: 19-1171

More information available at NCT04208256

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