This study wants to learn about the best way to take pictures of unborn babies' hearts to better identify certain heart health problems.
The purpose of this study is to investigate heart and brain health in patients with endometriosis.
The purpose of this study is to understand the LGBTQ+ community's knowledge, attitudes and behaviors on cancer screening.
Are you a woman taking non-hormonal therapy for hot flashes or night sweats? We want to learn how this affects your sleep, daily life, and work.
This is a study to see if the progestin-only birth control pill, Slynd, affects bone health.
This study will test the Home Health Box in real homes by having people measure and track the air quality in their home, see how easy it is to use based on their feedback, and make improvements before bringing the device to market.
We want to learn how estrogen levels during menopause might affect artery health, body fat, and risk of heart disease in women with regular periods.
The purpose of this study is to understand how shift work impacts heart health in women.
Investigators at the University of Colorado are conducting research on the ability to exercise under high altitude (low oxygen) conditions. The study is looking at the safety and effects on exercise of a high dose of an inhaled asthma medication (salmeterol/fluticasone, or Advair®) on exercise performance while breathing low-oxygen air.
The purpose of our research study is to assess satisfaction with genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk in a high-risk population in Colorado and New Mexico.
This study wants to learn how losing weight affects cell communication in muscle fat tissue among people with obesity. We also want to see how this impacts insulin resistance, inflammation, and muscle strength.
This study is looking at the short-term effect of equol supplementation (1, 2, and 3 hours after ingestion) on blood vessel function in women with and without chronic kidney disease. Equol is a dietary supplement. Equol is a metabolite of soy that is produced by the gut microbiome.
The purpose of this study is to determine the ways in which androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer increases the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
This study wants to see if gut problems are worse in HIV+ men that have sex with men that have metabolic syndrome compared those without metabolic syndrome.
This study plans to test whether oral acetate supplementation is effective at improving artery function and stiffness in healthy adults over 50 years of age.
We want to see how breathing in air pollution, cigarette or marijuana smoke, and job dangers affect lung health in young adults.
Why should I join this research study? We want to help prepare for future pandemics by learning more about infections that can cause people to become sick, like Enterovirus D68, and how a person may respond and fight off a potential infection
Our research team wants to learn how birth control pills affect the brain and emotional wellbeing.
We are looking for healthy men & women to study the effects of sleep disruption on bone. Please click on the "Let's Get Started!" button below to determine your eligibility.
We are recruiting people with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D), aged 30 to 55, to help us test how exercise affects heart health, blood vessels, and blood sugar.
This study wants to learn more about people’s food perception and how this impacts what they eat.
In this research we will learn more about blood clotting and drugs that modify blood clotting.
To understand the effects of puberty blockers and puberty on insulin sensitivity, metabolism and vascular health
The specific aims of the project are to: 1) Discover biomarkers associated with marijuana use. 2) Discover biological pathways associated with marijuana use. 3) Exploratory Aim: Test whether peripheral endocannabinoid levels vary with marijuana use and predict marijuana craving.
To compare the physical, mental, and emotional effects of high school girls' flag football participation to those of high school girls who do not participate in organized sport over a 9 month period.
Clinical trial looking at a monthly, non-hormonal vaginal product as birth control.
Designed to be the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind, The Human Trisome Project will help us understand why individuals with Down syndrome (caused by trisomy of chromosome 21) are protected from some medical conditions, such as cancer, while highly predisposed to others, such as Alzheimer's disease and autoimmune disorders. De-identified samples and information are then available to...
The goal of this study is to see how when you eat and when you exercise (morning or evening) affects metabolism.
The overall objective of this study is to ultimately develop an improved standard of cancer care by facilitating new clinical trials, new technology, new informatics solutions and "personalized medicine".
Physical activity and sedentary time will be measured via accelerometry (ActiGraph wGT3X-BT) for 7 days in patients with ADPKD and healthy controls.