Determining the Proximal and Temporal Effects of Alcohol and Sexual Communication on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Couples: Understanding the Influence of Alcohol and Media on Relationships

Primary Objective

The purpose of this research study is to examine influence of alcohol and media on relationships.

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This research study should take about 10 hours of your time. You will be asked to visit the laboratory one time and there are two follow-up phone calls at the end of the study. During the course of the research study, you will do alcohol breathalyzer tests, answer questions and complete questionnaires, and may drink alcohol with orange juice or only drink orange juice. If you consume alcohol, you'll still be intoxicated when the experiment is over. Therefore, you'll have to wait in the laboratory until your blood alcohol level reaches a safe level before being allowed to leave, which usually takes a few hours.

Age 21 or older Identify as cisgender Participate as a couple Drink alcohol

CTRC Inpatient
Department Specific Free Standing Clinic

Principal Investigator
Photograph of Ruschelle Leone

Ruschelle Leone

Study ID

Protocol Number: 24-1867

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